energy efficient heater

What Are 3 Ways You Can Tell if Your Heater Is Energy Efficient?

Most homes in the US depend heavily on either furnaces or boilers during the winter months. As temperatures drop, it’s essential to have reliable heating to keep your home warm and comfortable. Unfortunately, rising gas prices might mean keeping your home comfortable can also lead to a less comfortable number on your bank account. Investing in an energy-efficient heater keeps your home cozy, saves money, and reduces your carbon footprint.

Man and woman holding a baby looking outside to snowy landscape

Ductless Mini Split Vs. Ducted Heat Pump: What Are The Differences?

Ductless mini split systems are gaining popularity in modern homes. So while you’re making the decision between a ducted vs. ductless heat pump, it’s important to know the advantages of each. If you're looking for a ductless mini split installation, click here. If you're looking to learn how you can decide which system is right for you, read on!

picture of the air handler for a heat pump, the size of heat pump you need depends on your home

What Size Heat Pump Do I Need for My Home?

Heat pumps can be incredibly energy-efficient heating and cooling systems, but choosing one with the right capacity for your home is important. Whether you have an electric heat pump or a geothermal heat pump, this article walks you through some of the key factors in choosing the right size home heating system.

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Changing year from 2022 to 2023

2023 Energy Efficiency Rating Changes

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